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Showing posts from July, 2020


Kola nut (also known as cola nut) is grown, traded, consumed or ritualized in every nook and cranny of the Nigerian society. Kola nuts could indeed pass as a symbol of Nigerian unity. From time immemorial, the caffeine-rich nuts of the evergreen kola tree have been a part of Nigerian culture. Once used as a currency in parts of present-day Nigeria, Kola, whose trees belong to cocoa family, is a significant cash crop in many part of the West African coast. Kola Nut In Nigeria, it is primarily cultivated among the southwestern Yoruba’s who also account for nearly all of Nigeria’s cocoa production. Kola nuts never quite attained the prominence accorded cocoa during the nations agricultural boom era, despite been a great source of commercial gain as a vital ingredient in the manufacture of globally consumed cola-based beverages. Fresh Kola Nut in its pod The significance of Kola nuts in Nigeria can be demonstrated – quite curiously – by considering the manner in which it is grown, sold, a